

Optowell的10G产品在2009年底推向市场。10G TOSA 和 ROSA 是单芯片。10G市场迅速增长。这是需求所致。据估计,到2014年,市场才会转向更高速率。中国是最具有潜力的市场之一。中国在开发10G产品。然而,一些厂家从欧洲和美国进口芯片,自己只做封装。质量的根本来自芯片。Optowell全程开发产品:从芯片生长到封装。质量和可靠性要高得多。成本降低。很多客户,尤其中国客户在光博会期间,到Optowell展台,前去咨询10G TOSA/ROSA产品。预计展会后,会有接待中国客户的一个热潮。数据通信、消费产品需要VCSEL, 如:光峰和高速USB。10G产品可以提供配件。

Optowell’s10G products were launched at the end of 2009. 10G TOSA and ROSA is made of one chip.10G market is increasing dramatically.  Market needs high data rate.. It is believed that not until 2014 will the market move on to higher data rate. China is one of biggest potential markets. China has been developing 10G products, however, some of them import chips from Europe and America, they do packaging only. All quality develops from chip level. OPtowell develops from the whole process: from chip growing to packaging. Therefore the quality and reliability are much better. And the cost is brought down. Many customers, especially Chinese customers approached Optowell booth and inquired about their 10G TOSA/ROSA products. After the show, Optowell will be very busy dealing with sales inquiries from Chinese customers.

Not only datacom but also consumer goods need our VCSEL such as Light peak and super speed USB. These can be covered by 10Gbps products.

Optowell生产TOSA 和ROSA,因为客户总希望购买成对产品。其他公司要么做TOSA,要么做ROSA,然后从别的厂家购买另一端产品。因而,他们产品的技术含量和价格,会大打折扣。Optowell有自己的核心技术,成本大大降低。

Optowell do both TOSA and ROSA, as customers always expect to buy those products in pairs. Other companies may do either TOSA or ROSA, and buy other end products from other vendors. Their products technology and cost are, therefore not competitive. Optowell has its own technology in place, and the cost is brought down significantly.

Optowell的市场慢慢打开。现在Optowell的产品开始出口到西欧、美国和中国。明年,市场会增长1倍。销售额将会激增,尤其是短波段应用产品,像10G产品,加上Optowell的宽泛的温度适应性,  销售额会增长1倍,甚至2倍。

Market is just beginning to grow. Now Optowell products are starting to be exported to West Europe, America and China. Next year, market will double. Sales volume will be dramatically increasing,especially for short wavelength applications, like 10G products. Plus Optowell’s wide temperature adaptability. Sales volume will double or even triple.

图为 Optowell公司在第12届光博会上所展示的部分产品

  Optowell will launch 40G and 100G in 2011

客户需要40G和100G 产品。Optowell已经开发了单芯片10G产品。客户需要更高速率和更好质量的产品。2013年后,40%的LAN 服务器市场将会转向40G 和 100G,Optowell需要走在市场前面,在明年之前完成开发。Optowell将以列阵形式开发此系列产品:4x10G and 12x10G。目前这些产品正在开发中。

Customers request 40G and 100G products. Optowell has already developed single chip 10G. Customers demand higher data rate and higher quality products. After 2013 year LAN server market will be changed to 40G and 100G over 40% so Optowell needs to meet market demand and will be complete development by next year. Optowell will launch it in array: 4x10G and 12x10G. All are under development. 

  Optowell will launch 40G and 100G in 2011

(编辑 Melody Rao,Valiant Hui,OuHui Yang)

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